08 Kentucky

Ein Tipp von Monika Trinkler : Auf Felsen in einem Fluß finden sich einige Spuren.

37° 19′ 42.85″ N    82° 22′ 9.00″ W

Offensichtlich eine Laune  der Natur, auch wenn es auf Google Earth nach Cart-Ruts aussieht !

Vielen Dank an Michael für seine Informationen !

Eine Antwort auf „08 Kentucky“

  1. Hello,
    I have been interested in Cart Ruts for over 20 years. Your website is excellent. Thank you for creating it!
    I have visited cart rut sites in Malta and Texas, USA. I wanted to share my experience while trying to find cart ruts in Kentucky, USA. I waded through the river to find them and reached the site location listed on your website. Unfortunately I saw no indications of cart ruts. I was only able to see rocks on the riverbed and rocks under the nearby vegetation. I even lifted several rocks to see if there were ruts or at least a flat surface that might be able to sustain ruts. Under the ruts were simply more rocks (typical river bed). I believe this site might have been identify by air or satellite, so perhaps there was an illusion or a storm flood shifted the rocks in formation that resembled ruts. I spoke with a resident that lives on the bank of the river within view of the site. He reported that he does not recall seeing ruts at this location. You may want to consider removing this site from your list.
    By the way, there are also reports of cart ruts (wagon tracks) in Nauset, MA, USA. These were not easy for me to find, as they are only visible after specific weather conditions. They do not resemble the ruts in Malta or Texas. They are in peet (similar to clay), not stone. They have many thin and shallow tracks, with visible horseshoe prints. I am quite certain that they were made recently, roughly 100 to 200 years. I would not advise adding this site to your list.
    I hope this is helpful..
    Thank you again!

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